
Text from publications
Displaying 97 - 104 of 476 results

Executive Sumary. Multinational Firms in Mexico. A study on organizational structure, innovation and employment practices, Cuadernos de Trabajo, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Tijuana, 2015, 122 pág. ISBN 978-607-479-189-1

Source: Jorge Carrillo, 2015.

"Multinational companies in Mexico: innovation with social inclusion?" Innovative companies and inclusion in Mexico: A micro perspective "in Alejandro Foxley and Barbara Stallings (editors), Latin American Economies. How to move beyond middle income, Center for Latin American & Latino Studies & CIEPLAN, Santiago, Chile, 2014, pp. 391-427

Source: Carrillo, Jorge y Redi Gomis, 2014.

Industrial escalation and social inclusion. Public policies in Mexico"

Source: Jorge Carrillo y Saul de los Santos, 2014.

The Boom of the Automotive Industry in Mexico in the 21st Century: restructuring and catching up

Source: Lourdes Alvarez, Jorge Carrillo y Ma. Luisa González (Coord.), 2014.

Productive restructuring of the automotive industry in Mexico and the United States after the financial economic crisis of 2008

Source: Álvarez Lourdes y Jorge Carrillo, 2014.

"Complejidad e innovación en proveedores automotrices de logística: la experiencia de Camex, México

Source: Plascencia Ismael, Gracida Alejandro y Jorge Carrillo, 2014.

"Desarrollo productivo y empleos verdes. El caso del sector cuero-calzado en Guanajuato" El Colegio de la Frontera Norte,, Plaza y Valdes.

Source: Jorge Carrillo, Adriana Martínez, Regina Galhardi, 2014.

¿De qué maquiladora me hablas? Reflexiones sobre las complejidades de la industria maquiladora en México. En Revista Frontera Norte, Vol. 26, número especial, pp. 75-98.

Source: Jorge Carrillo, 2014.