
Text from publications
Displaying 201 - 208 of 476 results

"Generations of maquiladoras: A first approach to their measurement", in Frontera Norte, Vol. 17, No. 33 (January-June), 2005, pp. 25-51

Source: Jorge Carrillo y Redi Gomis, 2005

“Mexican Maquiladoras: New Capabilities Coordination and the Emergence of New Generation of Companies”. Innovation and Economic Development. Vol. 7, no.2/3, April-August, Australia, 2005, pp. 256-273

Source: Jorge Crrillo y Arturo Lara. 2005

"Fourth generation maquiladoras and centralized coordination", in Revista do Centro de Ciencias Administrativas, University of Fortaleza, Fortaleza, Vol. 9, no. 2, December, 2003, pp. 161-171 (published in October 2005)

Source: Carrillo, J., y Lara, A. 2005

"Maquiladoras in Mexico. Brief historical tour ", Foreign Trade, vol. 55, no. 1, Mexico, January, 2005, pp. 30-42.

Source: Jorge Carrillo, Alfredo Hualde y Cirila Quintero, 2005

Opportunities in the Context of Productive Integration, Competitiveness and Challenges in the Auto and Garment Industries in México, The United States and Canada, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Tijuana, 239 p. y 2006.

Source: Jorge Carrillo, Gary Gereffi, and Jennifer Bair. 2002

Technical work in the TV industry in Tijuana. Productive insertion and learning, Researcher

Source: Jorge Carrillo, Redi Gomis. 2005

The maquiladora in data. Results of a technology and learning survey. Colef, Tijuana, 2004, 295 p.

Source: Jorge Carrillo y Redi Gomis. 2004,

The Mexican Maquiladora Industry. Technological Learning, Regional Impact and Institutional Environments, COLEF-UDG, Mexico, 461 p. ISBN 968-7947-28-4

Source: Jorge Carrillo y Raquel Partida, 2004, (coordinadores),