
Text from publications
Displaying 305 - 312 of 476 results

"Automotive maquiladoras in Mexico: Clusters and high-level competitions", in Martha Novick and María Gallart, coords., Competitiveness, productive networks and labor competencies. ILO / CINTERFORD / Education and Work Network. Montevideo, pp. 193-234.

Source: Jorge Carrillo, 1997

“Restructuring of production and territorial change: a second industrialization hub in Northern México” in CEPAL Review, no. 61, Santiago, Chile, abril, pp. 187-205

Source: Tito Alegría, Jorge Carrillo y Jorge Alonso, 1997

"Productive Restructuring and Territorial Change: A Second Industrialization Axis in Northern Mexico" in Revista de la Cepal, no. 61, Santiago, Chile, April, pp. 187-204.

Source: Tito Alegría, Jorge Carrillo y Jorge Alonso, 1997

"Delphi-General Motors: Center for Research and Development, or Maquiladora Industry of High Technology?" In Organizations and Labor, no. 16/17, dec-jun, Lisbon, pp.51-70

Source: Jorge Carrillo y Alfredo Hualde, 1997

"The theoretical foundations of the sociology of work in Mexico", in Iztapalapa, no. 42, Year 17, Julio-Diciemre, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, pp. 15-48.

Source: Enrique de la Garza y Jorge Carrillo, 1997

"Competitiveness in the television industry in Mexico" in Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios del Trabajo, no. 6, ALAST, Campinas, pp. 79-100

Source: Jorge Carrillo y Michael Mortimore, 1997

"The Institutionalization of the Sociology of Work in Latin America" en Work and Occupations Vol. 24, no. 3, Sage Periodical Press, Thousand Oaks, London, New Delhi, Agosto, pp. 348-363

Source: Lais Abramo, Jorge Carrillo, Enrique de la Garza, Marcia Leite, Martha Novick, Carlos Santiago y Roque da Silva, 1997,

"Third generation maquiladoras. The case of Delphi-General Motors "in Foreign Trade,, vol.47, núm.9, Mexico, September, pp. 747-757.

Source: Jorge Carrillo y Alfredo Hualde, 1997