
Text from publications
Displaying 313 - 320 of 476 results

"Automotive Exports and Cluster Formation in Northern Mexico", NOESIS Magazine, Autonomous University of Ciudad Juárez, Vol. 9, No. 19, Mexico, pp. 29-74.

Source: Jorge Carrillo y Martha Miker, 1997

"Industrial Policies and corporate strategies: the automotive and electronic sector in Juárez and Tijuana" in El Cotidiano, No. 86, Nov-Dec, pp. 32-41

Source: Jorge Carrillo, 1997

"The Change in Industrial Relations in México" en Perspectives on Work, vol. 1, no.2, Industrial Relations Research Association, Cambridge, agosto, pp. 44-48

Source: Enrique de la Garza y Jorge Carrillo, 1997

"Modernization in the automotive sector" in Cities, National Network of Urban Research, Mexico, October-December, pp.40-46

Source: Jorge Carrillo, 1997

"Sociology of Work in Latin America" en Organizations, Occupations, and Work Newsletter, American Sociology Association, Winter/Spring, 1997.

Source: Lais Abramo, Jorge Carrillo, Enrique de la Garza, Marcia Leite, María Novick, Carlos Santiago, Roque da Silva, 1997

“Cambios en los Mercados de Trabajo de las maquiladoras en Mexico”, en Momento Económico 92, Instituto de Investigaciones Economicas ,Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México,Julio-Agosto, pp 26-29.

Source: Jorge Carrillo, 1997

"Modernization and conglomerates in the Mexican automotive industry" in Carrillo, J., Medellin, E. and Rangel Segovia, A. Technological changes and trade unionism, Notebooks of Trade Unionism, Institute of Educational and Trade Union Studies of America, Mexico, 1997, pp. 9-25

Source: Jorge Carrillo, 1997

Local Productive Networks in Small and Medium Enterprises. The auto parts and clothing industry in Monterrey and Ciudad Juárez. The College of the North Border. Tijuana, May, 170 p.

Source: Jorge Carrillo y Alfredo Hualde, 1997