
Text from publications
Displaying 329 - 336 of 476 results

"Flexibility and qualification in the new industrial crossroads" in the Inter-American Technical Vocational Training Bulletin, Cinterfor / ILO, no. 137, Oct-Dec, pp.61-74

Source: Jorge Carrillo, 1996

Local Productive Networks in Small and Medium Enterprises, The North Border College, Tijuana, December, (report prepared for the Ford Foundation).

Source: Jorge Carrillo y Alfredo Hualde, 1996

The impact of the Transnational Corporations in the Restructuring in Mexico. Examination of the Auto Parts and Television Industries, (Report prepared for ECLAC).

Source: Jorge Carrillo, Michael Mortimore y Jorge Alonso,1996

The Transformation of the Automotive and Clothing Industry: Comparison between Mexico, the United States and Canada, The College of the Northern Border, Tijuana, May, (first report prepared for the College of Mexico).

Source: Jorge Carrillo, Gary Gereffi y Jorge Niosi, 1996

Industrial Restructuring and Labor Competencies. The Automotive and Extractive Industry in Mexico, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Tijuana, (Report prepared for the Education and Work Network). (to be published in the Education and Work Network)

Source: Jorge Carrillo y Miguel Ángel Ramírez, 1996

Competitiveness, Employment and Labor Mobility. Labor Markets, Autoparts and TV Companies in Mexico, STPS. The College of the North Border.

Source: Jorge Carrillo, Michael Mortimore y Jorge Alonso, 1996,

Jorge Carrillo y Jean Revel-Mouroz, 1995, "La liaison secteur éducatif et industrie maquiladora á la frontiére nord du Mexique" en Gondard y Revel-Mouroz (coordinateurs) La frontiére Mexique-Etats-Unis. Mutations Economiques, Sociales et Territoriales, CREDAL/ORSTOM/COLEF, París, pp. 77-108.

Source: Jorge Carrillo y Jean Revel-Mouroz, 1995

"The Studies on Work in Mexico" in Revista de Trabajo, year 2, núm. 8, July-December, 1995, pp. 165-182.

Source: Enrique de la Garza, Jorge Carrillo y Francisco Zapata, 1995