
Text from publications
Displaying 337 - 344 of 476 results

"Flexible Production in the Auto Sector: Industrial Reorganization at Ford-México", en World Development, Vol.23, no.1, Pergamon, Oxford, pp.87-101.

Source: Jorge Carrillo, 1995

"The Latin American Experience of Just in Time and Total Control of Quality," in the Latin American Journal of Labor Studies, Latin American Association of Sociology of Labor, No. 1, Mexico, 1995, pp. 193-217.

Source: Jorge Carrillo, 1995

Export Maquiladoras: Are they really an example for the Mexican industry? in Tecno Industria, no. 22, CONACYT, Mexico, June-July, pp.52-55

Source: Jorge Carrillo, 1995

The Japanese management in Mexico in Tecno Industria, núm. 21, CONACYT, Mexico, April-May, pp.44-45

Source: Jorge Carrillo, 1995

Interregional project on the impact of transnational corporations of industrial restructuring in developing countries, Reporte preparado para la División Transnational Corporations Investment, UNCTAD, octubre.

Source: Jorge Carrillo, Mootimore, y Alonso, 1995,

"Productive chains", in Miguel Angel Ramírez, coord., Survey of Industrial Models in Mexico. Results of Tijuana, Baja California, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Tijuana, January, pp.23-62.

Source: Jorge Carrillo, 1995

Two decades of trade unionism in the export maquiladora industry: an examination of the cities of Tijuana, Juarez and Matamoros., Ed. Miguel Angel Porrúa and UAM, Mexico, 1994,269p.

Source: Jorge Carrillo, 1994,

Flexibility and qualification in the new industrial crossroads "in L. Gitahy, organizer, productive restructuring, work and education in Latin America, CIID-CENEP / CINTERFORD / UNICAMP, Latin American Education and Labor Network no.3, Campinas, 1994, pp .137-151.

Source: Jorge Carrillo, 1994