
Text from publications
Displaying 345 - 352 of 476 results

"Restructuring in the US-Mexico border with the Free Trade Agreement" in Bustos y Palacio, comp., Women's work in Latin America., Universidad de Guadalajara, pp. 139-169.

Source: Jorge Carrillo, 1994,

"Women in the auto parts maquila industry", in Vania Salles and Elsie Mc Phai, coords., New texts and renewed pretexts, El Colegio de México, 1994, pp.177-219.

Source: Jorge Carrillo, 1994

"The Apparel Maquiladora Industry at the Mexican Border" en Bonich et al., eds., Global Production. The Apparel in the Pacific Rim, Temple University Press, Philladelphia, 1994, pp.217-229.

Source: Jorge Carrillo, 1994,

"The Studies on Work in Mexico" in Economics and Sociology of Labor, 23/24, March-June, pp. 142-155.

Source: Enrique de la Garza, Jorge Carrillo y Francisco Zapata, 1994,

"Adaptation of Flexible Production and Qualification in the Automotive Sector" in Sociology of Labor, no. 21, Ed. SXXI, Madrid, Spring, pp.101-128.

Source: Jorge Carrillo, 1994,

"Technological innovations and trade union impact in Mexico-United States" en Sociología del Lavoro, núm. 55, Ed. FrancoAngeli, Milan, pp. 99-115.

Source: Jorge Carrillo y Miguel Angel Ramírez, 1994,

The Sociology of Labor in Latin America and its First Congress in Sociology of Labor, no. 20, Ed. SXXI, Madrid, winter, pp.151-162

Source: Jorge Carrillo, 1994,

Flexible Production: the Japanese and Italian Models in Tecno Industria, núm.18, CONACYT, Mexico, October-November, pp.50-58.

Source: Jorge Carrillo, 1994