
Text from publications
Displaying 449 - 456 of 476 results

Jorge Carrillo, 1985, Boletín Puente, vol. 1, núm. 1, Febrero-Abril (Editor del número completo y escribí todos los artículos no firmados).

Source: Jorge Carrillo, 1985

Jorge Carrillo, 1985, "Huelgas en maquiladoras", en Boletín Informativo Fronterizo. Puente, vol.1, núm.2, mayo, junio julio.

Source: Jorge Carrillo, 1985

Jorge Carrillo, 1985, Labor Conflicts in the Maquiladora Industry, Centro de Estudios Fronterizos del Norte de México, Tijuana, 1985, 55 páginas.

Source: Jorge Carrillo, 1985

Jorge Carrillo, 1984, "Maquiladoras: Border Industrialization and Occupational Risks: The Case of Baja California" in Economics: Theory and Practice, no. 6, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco, autumn, 1984, pp. 97-132.

Source: Jorge Carrillo, 1984

Jorge Carrillo, 1984, "The Internationalization of Capital and the US-Mexico Border", in Economic Research, Journal of the Faculty of Economics, UAM-Xochimilco, 1984, pp. 97-132

Source: Jorge Carrillo, 1984

Jorge Carrillo and Alberto Hernández, 1984, "Socioeconomic and Labor Profile of Working Women in the Maquiladora Industry of Ciudad Juárez". In Magazine of studies on youth. No. 4, Sep / Dec, pp. 21-49.

Source: Jorge Carrillo, 1984

Jorge Carrillo, 1984, "Crisis and Unions in the Northern Border of Mexico" in Coyoacán, year VII no. 16, Mexico, January-March, pp. 51-68.

Source: Jorge Carrillo, 1984

Jorge Carrillo "The Crisis and the Labor Movement in the Northern Border of Mexico", in Borderlans, vol.7, no. 2, Spring, 1984, pp. 127-147.

Source: Jorge Carrillo, 1984