Industrial scaling, advanced manufacturing, and its limits. Multinationals in Mexico
Source: Jorge Carrillo. "Industrial scaling, advanced manufacturing, and its limits. Multinationals in Mexico" in Proceedings, International Seminar on Socioeconomic Priorities and Collaboration Networks for Development in its local and global projection to the year 2024, UAM-A, Conacyt, Ed. Ey C, Mexico, pp. 53-65
State and Cross-Border Experiences of Innovation in Mexico
Source: Jorge Carrillo and Oscar Contreras (coord.), State and Cross-Border Experiences of Innovation in Mexico, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte and COMECSO, Tijuana, 2015, 303 pages
Analytical Approaches and Innovation Policies in Northern Mexico
Source: Oscar Contreras and Jorge Carrillo, "Analytical Approaches and Innovation Policies in Northern Mexico" in Jorge Carrillo and Oscar Contreras (coord.), State and Cross-Border Experiences of Innovation in Mexico, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte and COMECSO, Tijuana, 2015, pp. 25-50
Labour Relations Policies in Multinational: A Three-Country Study of Power Dynamics
Source: Christian Lévesque, Graciela Bensusán, Gregor Murray, Marta Novick, Jorge Carrillo and María Gurrera, "Labour Relations Policies in Multinational: A Three-Country Study of Power Dynamics" Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol. 57, no. 2, 2015, pp.187-209
Multinational companies in Mexico: innovation with social inclusion? Innovative companies and inclusion in Mexico: A micro perspective
Source: Carrillo, Jorge and Redi Gomis, Multinational companies in Mexico: innovation with social inclusion? Innovative companies and inclusion in Mexico: A micro perspective, in Alejandro Foxley and Barbara Stallings (editors), Latin American Economies. How to advance beyond middle income, Center for Latin American & Latino Studies & CIEPLAN, Santiago, Chile, 2014, pp.391-427
Industrial scaling and social inclusion. Public policies in Mexico
Source: Jorge Carrillo and Saul de los Santos "Industrial scaling and social inclusion. Public policies in Mexico" Comercio Exterior, Vol. 64, number 5, Mexico, September-October, 2014, pp.16-24