Trade union regimes and political-economic environments in Argentina and Mexico: union representation in multinational firms
Source: Graciela Bensusán, Jorge Carrillo, María Silvana Gurrera and Héctor Palomino “Trade union regimes and political-economic environments in Argentina and Mexico: union representation in multinational firms”, in Work, occupation and employment series, No. 12, Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security, Buenos Aires, 2013, pp.31-54
A different maquiladora?: Labor and professional skills in the aerospace industry in Baja California
Source: Jorge Carrillo and Alfredo Hualde “A different maquiladora?: “Labor and professional skills in the aerospace industry in Baja California” M. Cassalet (ed.) The aerospace industry. Productive and institutional complexity, FLACSO, 2013 (Chapter V), pp.163-197
Female employment in multinational maquiladoras and non-maquiladoras
Source: Jorge Carrillo and Redi Gomis “Female employment in multinational maquiladoras and non-maquiladoras” in María Eugenia De la O (ccord.) Gender and work in the maquiladoras of Mexico: New actors in new contexts, CIESAS, Mexico, 2013, pp.31-54
Movement toward regional markets in Latin America
Source: "Movement toward regional markets in Latin America" In Yamazaki, Juhn and Abo (eds.) Hybrid Factories in Latin America, PalgraveMcmillan, 2013 , pp. 44-70
Multinational Firms: A Study of Organizational Structure, Innovation, and Employment Practices
Source: Jorge Carrillo. 2023.
Nissan South Africa, Akamon Management Review, Vol.11, No. 12, pp. 833-842, 2012
Source: Jorge Carrillo. 2012. Nissan South Africa, Akamon Management Review, Vol.11, No. 12, pp. 833-842, 2012
Local Entrepreneurship within Global Value Chains: A case study in the Mexican Automotive Industry
Source: Oscar Contreras, Jorge Carrillo y Jorge Alonso “Local Entrepreneurship within Global Value Chains: A case study in the Mexican Automotive Industry” World Development, Vol. 40, no. 5, pp.1013-1023, 2012