
Text from publications
Displaying 193 - 200 of 489 results

Generations of maquiladora companies. A critical analysis

Source: Jorge Carrillo, 2007. “Generations of maquiladora companies. A critical analysis” in Cahiers des Amériques Latines, Paris, no. 56, pp.27-43

The maquila industry in Mexico: evolution or exhaustion?

Source: Jorge Carrillo, 2007. The maquila industry in Mexico: evolution or exhaustion? in Revista Comercio Exterior, Vol. 57, No. 8, August, 2007, pp.668-681

Diagnosis of the aerospace industry in B.C. Productive characteristics and current and potential human capital requirements COLEF

Source: Jorge Carrillo and Alfredo Hualde. 2007, Diagnosis of the aerospace industry in B.C. Productive characteristics and current and potential human capital requirements COLEF, Tijuana, August

Occupational Health and Safety Management Models for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in the Maquila Industry

Source: Jorge Carrillo. Oscar Contreras. Humberto Garcia. Paola Millan and Jaime Olea. 2006, "Occupational Health and Safety Management Models for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in the Maquila Industry" COLSON, Hermosillo, November

Impact of the expansion of the Ford Motor Co. in Hermosillo, Sonora

Source: Jorge Carrillo and Oscar Contreras. 2006, "Impact of the expansion of the Ford Motor Co. in Hermosillo, Sonora" COLSON/FUMEC/SE/SECRETARIAT OF ECONOMY, Mexico, 20p.

Global productive linkages and local actors. Debates and experiences in Latin America

Source: Jorge Carrillo and Marta Novick. 2006, “Global productive linkages and local actors. Debates and experiences in Latin America” in De la Garza, E. (coord.) Social Theories and Labor Studies: New Approaches, Anthropos-UAM, Mexico, pp. 243-267

The Future of the Maquiladora: Between Industrial Upgrading and Competitive Decline

Source: Jorge Carrillo y Jim Gerber. 2006, "The Future of the Maquiladora: Between Industrial Upgrading and Competitive Decline". A Forum Fronterizo, San Diego Dialogue, UCSD, La Jolla.

Job Performance in Maquiladoras: An Evaluation of Workplace Safety

Source: Jorge Carrillo, Oscar Contreras, Humberto Garcia and Jaime Olea. 2006, "Job Performance in Maquiladoras: An Evaluation of Workplace Safety" in Frontera Norte, Vol. 18, no. 35, Tijuana, January-June, pp. 55-86