Mexican Exports and the Challenge of China: The Television Industry. Threat or Opportunity?
Source: Jorge Carrillo. 2006, "Mexican Exports and the Challenge of China: The Television Industry. Threat or Opportunity?" in Caleidoscopio, Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, year 10, no. 19, January-June, 2006, pp.7-18
Competitiveness and industrial scaling in Mexico: from analog to digital TV
Source: Jorge Carrillo and Alfredo Hualde. 2006, “Competitiveness and industrial scaling in Mexico: from analog to digital TV”, in Comercio Exterior, vol. 56, no. 7, July, pp. 565-580
Clusters and Maquiladoras
Source: Jorge Carrillo. 2006, "Clusters and Maquiladoras" Maquiladoras in Manufacturing, Year 12, No. 132, Mexico, June, pp.98-103
Regional integration and globalization: Economic and union impacts
Source: Jorge Carrillo and Raquel Partida 2005, (coords.) Regional integration and globalization: Economic and union impacts, Ed. CUCSH/EBERT/AFL-CIO/STAUdG Mexico, 276 p.
The Environment and the Maquila in Mexico an unavoidable problem
Source: Jorge Carrillo and Claudia Schatán 2005, (co-editors), The Environment and the Maquila in Mexico; an unavoidable problem, CEPAL, Mexico, 368P
Innovation and suppliers in the electronics industry of Baja California
Source: Jorge Carrillo. and Robert Zárate Cornejo. 2005. "Innovation and suppliers in the electronics industry of Baja California", in A. Bialakowsky, et al. (compilers), Work and capitalism between centuries in Latin America. Work between perenniality and superfluity, University of Guadalajara, Guadalajara, pp. 317-336
An American version of Japanese production system: The Ford-Hermosillo plant in Mexico
Source: Jorge Carrillo. y Yolanda Montiel. 2005. “An American version of Japanese production system: The Ford-Hermosillo plant in Mexico”, en Tetsuji Kawamura (ed.) Gurobaru Keizaika no Amerika Nikkei Koujo (Japanese Transplants in North America Under Global Economy), Toyokeizai-shinpo sha, Tokyo, pp. 324-332
Transnational Corporations and Local Supply Networks in the Television Industry in Northern Mexico
Source: Jorge Carrillo and Oscar Contreras. 2005, "Transnational Corporations and Local Supply Networks in the Television Industry in Northern Mexico" in Dussel Peters and Palacios Lara (coordinators) Conditions and Challenges of Electronics in Mexico, NYCE, pp.277-302