Industrial Evolution and Loss of Advantages in Maquiladoras in Mexico
Source: Jorge Carrillo, 2003, “Industrial Evolution and Loss of Advantages in Maquiladoras in Mexico” in E. De la Garza and Carlos Salas (coomps.) NAFTA and MERCOSUR. Processes of Economic Opening and Labor, CLACSO, Buenos Aires, pp. 123-136
Transnational Corporations and Local Supply Networks in the Television Industry
Source: Jorge Carrillo and Oscar Contreras. 2003, “Transnational Corporations and Local Supply Networks in the Television Industry”, in E. Dussel Peters, G. Woo and J. J. Palacios (coordinators), The Electronic Industry in Mexico: Problems, Perspectives and Proposals, UDG, 2003., p. 297-322
The dimensions of work in the export maquiladora industry in Mexico
Source: Jorge Carrillo and María Eugenia de la O. 2003, “The dimensions of work in the export maquiladora industry in Mexico”, in E. De la Garza and C. Salas (coordinators) The labor situation in Mexico, 2003, Ed. Plaza y Valdéz, Mexico, p.297-321.
Fourth Generation Maquiladoras and Centralized Coordination
Source: Jorge Carrillo and Arturo Lara, 2003, “Fourth Generation Maquiladoras and Centralized Coordination”, in Journal of the Center for Administrative Sciences, University of Fortaleza, Fortaleza, Vol. 9, no. 2, December, pp. 161-171
Maquiladoras in Mexico and centralized coordination. A new generation of companies
Source: Jorge Carrillo and Arturo Lara. 2003, “Maquiladoras in Mexico and centralized coordination. A new generation of companies” in Cuadernos del CENDES No. 54, Year 20, Sep-Dec, pp. 121-148
Limitations of Mexican electronics suppliers compared to foreign suppliers
Source: Jorge Carrillo, Robert Zárate Cornejo, 2003, “Limitations of Mexican electronics suppliers compared to foreign suppliers” in Region and Society, Vol. XV, no. 28, Hermosillo, September-December, pp.161-191
Competitiveness in the debate: the experience of Mexican maquiladoras
Source: Jorge Carrillo and Jim Gerber, 2003, “Competitiveness in the debate: the experience of Mexican maquiladoras” in Latin American Journal of Labor Studies, No. 16, year 8, ALAST, Year 8, Buenos Aires, pp. 7-29
Technological Globalization and intra-company coordination in the automotive sector: The case of Delphi –México
Source: Jorge Carrillo y Arturo Lara, 2003, “Technological Globalization and intra-company coordination in the automotive sector: The case of Delphi –México”, en Internatioanl Journal of Automotive Technology and Managment , vol. 3, no. 1/2 , pp. 101-121