Maquiladoras Greater investment and recovery of competitiveness are urgently needed
Source: Jorge Carrillo 2003
Industrial escalation and occupational risks: the role of international certifications
Source: Jorge Carrillo and Humberto García. 2003, “Industrial escalation and occupational risks: the role of international certifications” in Comercio Exterior, vol. 53, no. 8, August, pp.734-743
Technological globalization and intra-firm coordination in the automotive sector: the case of Delphi-Mexico
Source: Jorge Carrillo and Arturo Lara. 2003, “Technological globalization and intra-firm coordination in the automotive sector: the case of Delphi-Mexico” in Comercio Exterior, vol. 53, no. 7, July, pp.604-616
The challenges of maquiladoras in the face of loss of competitiveness
Source: Jorge Carrillo and Redi Gomis. 2003, “The challenges of maquiladoras in the face of loss of competitiveness” in Comercio Exterior, vol. 53, no. 4, April, pp.318-327
Are Baja California’s maquiladoras competitive?
Source: Jorge Carrillo and Jim Gerber, 2003, “Are Baja California’s maquiladoras competitive?”, in Comercio Exterior, No. 3, Vol. 53, March, 2003, pp.284-293
Commodity Chains and Industrial Organization in the Apparel Industry in Monterrey and Ciudad Juárez
Source: Jorge Carrillo, Alfredo Hualde y Aracely Almaráz. 2002 “Commodity Chains and Industrial Organization in the Apparel Industry in Monterrey and Ciudad Juárez” en Gereffi, Spener and Bair (ed) Free Trade and Uneven development, Temple University Press, pp.181-199
Evolution of maquiladoras and the role of the government and the market in workplace safety”
Source: Jorge Carrillo and Humberto García. 2002, “Evolution of maquiladoras and the role of the government and the market in workplace safety” in Papeles de Población, Year 8, no. 33, Mexico, July-September, pp.173-198