The Television Industry in Mexico. Productive Chains and Labor Markets
Source: Jorge Carrillo, 2001, “The Television Industry in Mexico. Productive Chains and Labor Markets” (Report prepared for the ILO), Tijuana.
Local agglomerations or global clusters? Business and institutional evolution in northern Mexico
Source: Jorge Carrillo (Coordinator) 2001, Local agglomerations or global clusters? Business and institutional evolution in northern Mexico, Ebert Foundation, Colef, 233 p.
Is there a cluster in the electronics manufacturing industry in Tijuana?
Source: Jorge Carrillo. and Alfredo Hualde. 2000, “Is there a cluster in the electronics manufacturing industry in Tijuana?”, in Jorge Carrillo (coord.), Local Agglomerations or Global Clusters?: Business and Institutional Evolution in Northern Mexico, Autonomous University of Ciudad Juárez, Ebert Foundation and El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Tijuana, pp.99-139.
The importance of the impact of the FTA on the maquila industry in Latin America
Source: Jorge Carrillo, 2000, “The importance of the impact of the FTA on the maquila industry in Latin America” in Enrique de la Garza Toledo (compiler) Productive Restructuring, Labor Market and Unions in Latin America, Clacso, Buenos Aires, August, pp. 157-179
TNCs, industrial restructuring and competitiveness in the automotive industry in NAFTA, MERCOSUR and ASEAN
Source: Jorge Carrillo, Romijn, H., Van Assouw, R. Mortimore, M., Lall, S. and Poapongsakorn, N. 2000 “TNCs, industrial restructuring and competitiveness in the automotive industry in NAFTA, MERCOSUR and ASEAN” en The Competitiveness Challenge: Transnational Corporations and Industrial Restructuring in Developing Countries, United Nations, New York and Geneva, Chapter 5, pp. 117-170.
The colour TV receiver industry
Source: Jorge Carrillo, Mortimore, M., Romijn, H., Lall, S., Ariff, M.,. and Yong Yew, S. 2000 “The colour TV receiver industry” en The Competitiveness Challenge: Transnational Corporations and Industrial Restructuring in Developing Countries, United Nations, New York and Geneva, Chapter 3, pp. 43-80.
Qualification and labor competencies in Latin America
Source: Jorge Carrillo and Consuelo Iranzo. 2000. “Qualification and labor competencies in Latin America” in De la Garza (coord.) Latin American Treatise on the Sociology of Labor. Fondo de Cultura Económica, COLMEX, FLACSO and UAM, Mexico, pp. 179-212
The Formation of an Automotive Pole in Northern Mexico
Source: Jorge Carrillo. and Martha Miker. 2000 "The Formation of an Automotive Pole in Northern Mexico", in Rangel, A. and Abreu, P. (Org.) Flexible Production and New Institutionalities in Latin America, Editora UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, pp. 163-191