
Text from publications
Displaying 281 - 288 of 489 results

Regional Development and Border Maquila: Peculiarities of an Electronic Cluster in Tijuana

Source: Jorge Carrillo. and Alfredo Hualde. 2000, “Regional Development and Border Maquila: Peculiarities of an Electronic Cluster in Tijuana”, in El Mercado de Valores, year LX, no. 10, Mexico, pp.45-56

Technological Trajectories in Asian and American Maquiladora Companies in Mexico.

Source: Jorge Carrillo, Jorge Alonso and Oscar Contreras. 2000, Technological Trajectories in Asian and American Maquiladora Companies in Mexico. Productive Development Series, no. 72, Productive and Business Development Division, Santiago de Chile: United Nations (ECLAC-ECLAC), August.

The Integration of the Mexican Automobile Industry to the USA: Between Policies and Corporate Strategies

Source: Jorge Carrillo, 2000, "The Integration of the Mexican Automobile Industry to the USA: Between Policies and Corporate Strategies” en Actus de GERPISA reseau international,núm 28, París, fevrier, pp.55-7

Emerging Countries: Markets and Policies

Source: Jorge Carrillo. 2000 Emerging Countries: Markets and Policies, Actes du GERPISA, No. 28, Février, GERPISA, Evry Cedex, p.133 p. (ISSN 0981-5597)

Technological Learning and Industrial Scaling: Generation of Innovation Capabilities in the Maquiladora Industry in Mexico, Research project presented to Conacyt.

Source: Rosio Barajas, Jorge Carrillo, Monica Casalet, Gabriela Dutrenit, Carlos Hernández, Alfredo Hualde, Arturo Lara, Alicia Puyana, Alexandre Vera-Cruz and Daniel Villavicencio, 2000cTechnological Learning and Industrial Scaling: Generation of Innovation Capabilities in the Maquiladora Industry in Mexico, Research project presented to Conacyt.

Electronic Commerce and Regional Integration: The Case of the Television Industry in Northern Mexico

Source: Jorge Carrillo. and Oscar Contreras. 2000 Electronic Commerce and Regional Integration: The Case of the Television Industry in Northern Mexico, (Report prepared for Naid Center, UCLA), Tijuana, September

Reseña. Editors John P.Tuman and Jhon T. Morris. 1999 Transforming the Latin American automoblie industry

Source: Reseña. Editors John P.Tuman and Jhon T. Morris. 1999 Transforming the Latin American automoblie industry. Ed. M.E. Sharpe, Armonk, New York, London, en Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios del Trabajo , Año 5, No. 9, pp 201-207

Competitiveness and the Labor Market. Auto Parts and Television Companies in Mexico

Source: Jorge Carrillo, Michael Mortimore, and Alonso Estrada, 1999. Competitiveness and the Labor Market. Auto Parts and Television Companies in Mexico, Plaza y Valdéz, UACJ and UAM, June, 207 p.