
Text from publications
Displaying 305 - 312 of 489 results

Productivity, income and recent developments in the automobile sector in Mexico

Source: Jorge Carrillo, 1998, “Productivity, income and recent developments in the automobile sector in Mexico”, in Income and productivity in North America, Commission on Labor Cooperation, North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation, Dallas, pp. 199-247.

Productivity, Income and Labor in the Automotive Industry in Mexico

Source: Jorge Carrillo, 1998, “Productivity, Income and Labor in the Automotive Industry in Mexico”, en Incomes and Productivity in North America, Commision for Labor Cooperation, North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation, Dallas, pp. 187-232

The Integration of the Mexican Automobile Industry to the USA: Between Policies and Corporate Strategies

Source: Jorge Carrillo, 1998, The Integration of the Mexican Automobile Industry to the USA: Between Policies and Corporate Strategies” en Sixt International Colloquim, GERPISA, París.

Personnel turnover in the Tijuana maquila industry

Source: Jorge Carrillo, 1998, “Personnel turnover in the Tijuana maquila industry”, in Maquiladora Industry, No. 3, Tijuana, pp.52-54

Personnel turnover, new technologies and the maquila industry in Mexico

Source: Jorge Carrillo and Ismael Aguilar, 1998, “Personnel turnover, new technologies and the maquila industry in Mexico” in Comercio Exterior, Mexico, April, 1998. pp. 283-290

Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Volkswagen in Mexico: Suppliers and Strategies

Source: Jorge Carrillo and Sergio González, 1998, “Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Volkswagen in Mexico: Suppliers and Strategies” in Comercio Exterior, Vol. 48, No. 10, October, pp. 849-857

The rapid advance of German automotive companies

Source: Jorge Carrillo and Sergio González, 1998, “The rapid advance of German automotive companies” in EUROMEX, no. 7, Mexico, May-June, pp. 1-2

The Impact of Transnational Corporations on Industrial Restructuring in Mexico. The Case of the Vehicle Parts and Television Industries

Source: Jorge Carrillo, Michael Mortimore and Jorge Alonso, 1998, “The Impact of Transnational Corporations on Industrial Restructuring in Mexico. The Case of the Vehicle Parts and Television Industries.” in Desarrollo Productivo No. 50, CEPAL, Santiago de Chile, 148 p.