
Text from publications
Displaying 337 - 344 of 489 results

Economic Governance and Industrial Change in the Northern Border of Mexico: An Analysis of Local Learning Trajectories

Source: Jorge Alonso and Jorge Carrillo, 1996, “Economic Governance and Industrial Change in the Northern Border of Mexico: An Analysis of Local Learning Trajectories” in Eure Magazine, No. 67, Vol. XXII, Santiago, Chile, December, pp. 45-64.

Third Generation Maquiladoras. The Case of Delphi-General Motors

Source: Jorge Carrillo and Alfredo Hualde, 1996, “Third Generation Maquiladoras. The Case of Delphi-General Motors” in Espacios. Venezuelan Journal of Technological Management, vol. 17, no. 3, Caracas, pp.111-134.

Delphi-General Motors: Research and Development Center or AIR Technology Manufacturing Plant?

Source: Jorge Carrillo and Alfredo Hualde, 1996, “Delphi-General Motors: Research and Development Center or AIR Technology Manufacturing Plant?”, in ANAIS. International Seminar on Professional Education, Work and Competencies, Rio de Janeiro, November 28-29, pp. 35-52

Taking advantage of the GERPISA network

Source: Jorge Carrillo, 1996, Taking advantage of the GERPISA network, in "La Lettre du GERPISA", No. 101, March, 1996, p.6

Flexibility and qualification at the new industrial crossroads

Source: Jorge Carrillo, 1996, "Flexibility and qualification at the new industrial crossroads" in Inter-American Technical Bulletin on Vocational Training, Cinterfor/ILO, No. 137, Oct-Dec, pp.61-74

Local Productive Networks in Small and Medium Enterprises

Source: Jorge Carrillo and Alfredo Hualde, 1996, Local Productive Networks in Small and Medium Enterprises, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Tijuana, December, (report prepared for the Ford Foundation).

The Impact of Transnational Corporations on Restructuring in Mexico.

Source: Jorge Carrillo, Michael Mortimore and Jorge Alonso, 1996, The Impact of Transnational Corporations on Restructuring in Mexico. An Examination of the Auto Parts and Television Industries, (Report prepared for ECLAC).

The Transformation of the Automotive and Apparel Industry: A Comparison between Mexico, the United States and Canada

Source: Jorge Carrillo, Gary Gereffi and Jorge Niosi, 1996, The Transformation of the Automotive and Apparel Industry: A Comparison between Mexico, the United States and Canada, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Tijuana, May