The Restructuring of the Car Industry in México: Adjustment Policies and Labor Implications. Texas papers on México, 90-05, Mexican Center. University of Texas at Austin, Austin, 1990, 45p.
Source: Jorge Carrillo, 1990. The Restructuring of the Car Industry in México: Adjustment Policies and Labor Implications. Texas papers on México, 90-05, Mexican Center. University of Texas at Austin, Austin, 1990, 45p.
Flexible organization and training at work. A case study
Source: Jorge Carrillo and Jordy Micheli, 1990, "Flexible organization and training at work. A case study". Mexico, Colef, August 1990.
Industrial modernization in northern Mexico
Source: Jorge Carrillo, 1990, "Industrial modernization in northern Mexico" in Here on the Border, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Tijuana, December.
Bibliographic review of the book Elwyn R. Stoddard, Maquila assembly plants in northern Mexico
Source: Jorge Carrillo, 1989, Bibliographic review of the book Elwyn R. Stoddard, Maquila assembly plants in northern Mexico. El Paso, Tx., The University of Texas at El Paso, 1987 in Frontera Norte, vol. 1, no. 1, Tijuana, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, January-June, pp. 211-219.
Industrial Restructuring. Maquiladoras on the Mexico-United States Border
Source: Jorge Carrillo, 1989, comp., Industrial Restructuring. Maquiladoras on the Mexico-United States Border, National Council for Culture and the Arts and El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Mexico, (Regions Collection), 429 p. (ISBN 968-29-2183-X)
Maquiladoras: Border Industrialization and Occupational Hazards. The Case of Baja California
Source: Jorge Carrillo, 1989, "Maquiladoras: Border Industrialization and Occupational Hazards. The Case of Baja California", in J. Carrillo, comp., Industrial Restructuring. Maquiladoras on the Mexico-United States Border, National Council for Culture and the Arts and El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Mexico, (Regions Collection), pp. 279-339.
"Introduction” in Jorge Carrillo (compiler) Industrial Restructuring. Maquiladoras on the Mexico-United States Border, National Council for Culture and the Arts and El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Mexico, (Regions Collection), pp. 13 - 25.
Source: Jorge Carrillo, 1989, “Introduction” in Jorge Carrillo (compiler) Industrial Restructuring. Maquiladoras on the Mexico-United States Border, National Council for Culture and the Arts and El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Mexico, (Regions Collection), pp. 13 - 25.
Industrial Restructuring in Northern Mexico: The Case of the Automotive Sector
Source: Jorge Carrillo, 1989, "Industrial Restructuring in Northern Mexico: The Case of the Automotive Sector". in Hernandez-Palacios, L. and Sandoval, J. (Compilers) Northern Border: Chicanos, Pachucos and Cholos, Autonomous University of Zacatecas and Autonomous Metropolitan University, pp. 46-77.