Maquiladoras: Border Industrialization and Occupational Hazards: The Case of Baja California
Source: Jorge Carrillo, 1984, "Maquiladoras: Border Industrialization and Occupational Hazards: The Case of Baja California" in Economics: Theory and Practice, no. 6, Metropolitan Autonomous University-Xochimilco, fall, 1984, pp. 97-132.
The Internationalization of Capital and the Mexico-United States Border
Source: Jorge Carrillo, 1984, "The Internationalization of Capital and the Mexico-United States Border" in Investigación Económica, Journal of the Faculty of Economics, National Autonomous University of Mexico, no. 168, April-June, pp. 205-230.
Socioeconomic and Labor Profile of Female Workers in the Maquiladora Industry of Ciudad Juárez
Source: Jorge Carrillo and Alberto Hernández, 1984, "Socioeconomic and Labor Profile of Female Workers in the Maquiladora Industry of Ciudad Juárez". In Journal of Youth Studies. No. 4, Sep/Dec, pp.21-49.
Crisis and Unions on the Northern Border of Mexico
Source: Jorge Carrillo, 1984, "Crisis and Unions on the Northern Border of Mexico" in Coyoacán, year VII no. 16, Mexico, January-March, pp. 51-68
The Crisis and the Labor Movement on the Northern Border of Mexico
Source: Jorge Carrillo “The Crisis and the Labor Movement on the Northern Border of Mexico,” in Borderlands, vol. 7, no. 2, Spring, 1984, pp. 127-147.
International of capital U.S.-México border zone
Source: Jorge Carrillo, 1983, "International of capital U.S.-México border zone" en Current Economic and Financial Issues of the North American and Caribbean Countries. México, Ed. Edgar Ortíz.
Health and women workers in maquiladora plants. The case of Tijuana
Source: Jorge Carrillo y Mónica Jasis,1983, "La salud y la mujer obrera en las plantas maquiladoras. El caso de Tijuana", en Enfermería Hoy, México, D. F., Ed. Nueva Sociología, junio, pp. 20-33.
Trade unionism and labor relations: An examination of mining, maquiladora, and automotive unionism
Source: Jorge Carrillo, Óscar Contreras y Miguel Ángel Ramírez, 1982, "Sindicalismo y relaciones laborales: Exámen del sindicalismo minero, maquilador y automotriz" en Covarrubias y Solis (coord.), Sindicalismo, relaciones laborales y libre comercio, El Colegio de Sonora, pp.111-123.