Productive dynamism and wages in the automotive industry in Mexico
Source: Jorge Carrillo, Humberto García-Jiménez and Graciela Bensusán "Productive dynamism and wages in the automotive industry in Mexico" H. Garcia, J. Carrillo and G. Bensusán (coord.) Wages in times of free trade: Does the automotive industry offer decent wages in Mexico?, COLEF, Tijuana, 2021, pp.23-36
Source: Humberto García-Jiménez and Jorge Carrillo, "Conclusions" in H. Garcia, J. Carrillo and G. Bensusán (coord.) "Wages in times of free trade: Does the automotive industry offer decent wages in Mexico?", COLEF, Tijuana, 2021, pp. 239-248
Wages in times of free trade: Does the automotive industry offer decent wages in Mexico?
Source: Humberto Garcia, Jorge Carrillo and Graciela Bensusán (coord.) "Wages in times of free trade: Does the automotive industry offer decent wages in Mexico?", COLEF, Tijuana, 2021, 258 pages
Global production networks and local learning for competitiveness in the automotive sector: the cases of Ford-Hermosillo and Toyota-Tijuana
Source: Oscar Contreras, Ismael Plascencia and Jorge Carrillo, 2007, Global production networks and local learning for competitiveness in the automotive sector: the cases of Ford-Hermosillo and Toyota-Tijuana, Mercados y Negocios Magazine, Vol. 16, Year 8, July-December.
The social responsibility of multinational enterprises vis-à-vis the State. The case of the automotive and television industries in Mexico
Source: Graciela Bensusán and Jorge Carrillo "The social responsibility of multinational enterprises vis-à-vis the State. The case of the automotive and television industries in Mexico", En G. Dalautre, E. Echeverría and C. Fenwick (Eds.) Decent work in a globalized economy: Lessons from public and private initiatives, International Labour Organization, Geneve, 2021, pp.211-241
The social responsibility of multinationals compared to that of the State The cases of the automobile and television sectors in Mexico
Source: Graciela Bensusán and Jorge Carrillo "The social responsibility of multinationals compared to that of the State The cases of the automobile and television sectors in Mexico", In G. Dalautre, E. Echeverría and C. Fenwick (Eds.) Decent work in a globalized economy. Some lessons from public and private initiatives, International Labor Organization), Geneva, 2021, pp. 227-259
Huawei Mexico: Between the Construction of Upgrading and the Uncertainty Caused
Source: Jorge Carrillo y Jordy Micheli "Huawei Mexico: Between the Construction of Upgrading and the Uncertainty Caused" en W. Zhabg, I. Alon and C. Lattermann (Eds.) Huawei Goes Global, Vol II: Regioanl, Geopolitical Perspectives and Crisis Managment, Palgrave Macmillan, Switzerland, pp. 165-185