
Text from publications
Displaying 49 - 56 of 217 results

The theoretical foundations of the sociology of work in Mexico

Source: Enrique de la Garza and Jorge Carrillo, 1997, “The theoretical foundations of the sociology of work in Mexico”, in Iztapalapa, No. 42, Year 17, July-December, Metropolitan Autonomous University-Iztapalapa, pp. 15-48.

Competitiveness in the Mexican television industry

Source: Jorge Carrillo and Michael Mortimore, 1997, “Competitiveness in the Mexican television industry” in Latin American Journal of Labor Studies, No. 6, ALAST, Campinas, pp. 79-100

The Institutionalization of the Sociology of Work in Latin America

Source: Lais Abramo, Jorge Carrillo, Enrique de la Garza, Marcia Leite, Martha Novick, Carlos Santiago y Roque da Silva, 1997, "The Institutionalization of the Sociology of Work in Latin America" en Work and Occupations Vol. 24, no. 3, Sage Periodical Press, Thousand Oaks, London, New Delhi, Agosto, pp. 348-363

Third Generation Maquiladoras. The Case of Delphi-General Motors

Source: Jorge Carrillo and Alfredo Hualde, 1997, “Third Generation Maquiladoras. The Case of Delphi-General Motors” in Comercio Exterior, vol.47, no.9, Mexico, September, pp. 747-757.

Automotive Exports and Cluster Formation in Northern Mexico

Source: Jorge Carrillo and Martha Miker, 1997, “Automotive Exports and Cluster Formation in Northern Mexico”, NOESIS Magazine, Autonomous University of Ciudad Juárez, Vol. 9, No. 19, Mexico, pp. 29-74.

Industrial Policies and Corporate Strategies: The Automotive and Electronics Sector in Juárez and Tijuana

Source: Jorge Carrillo, 1997, “Industrial Policies and Corporate Strategies: The Automotive and Electronics Sector in Juárez and Tijuana” in El Cotidiano, No. 86, Nov-Dec, pp. 32-41

The Change in Industrial Relations in México

Source: Enrique de la Garza y Jorge Carrillo, 1997,"The Change in Industrial Relations in México" en Perspectives on Work, vol. 1, no.2, Industrial Relations Research Association, Cambridge, agosto, pp. 44-48

Modernization in the automotive sector

Source: Jorge Carrillo, 1997, “Modernization in the automotive sector” in Cities, National Network of Urban Research, Mexico, October-December, pp.40-46